Add another function to the knowledge base.

Help us expand our database by adding a function below.

If you make an error, you can re-create the document with the updated values (even a new .js file) by adding a new one with the same name. If you make an error in the name, please contact us.

Please try to use a descriptive, but small name.
Please be as specific as you can. When describing arguments enclose their name in ` .
Provide valid URIs in the format: arg1,arg2
Provide valid URIs in the format: unit1,unit2. If a unit can't be defined for a concept put "-" in its place.
Provide valid URIs in the format: arg1,arg2
Provide valid URIs in the format: unit1,unit2. If a unit can't be defined for a concept put "-" in its place.
Only .js files are accepted. This must have the same name with the function name.